All cases

Arson attack on church in Nenzing

February 13, 2025, Austria

On the evening of 13 February, unknown perpetrators set fire to a pew in the parish church of St. Mauritius in Nenzing. The Nenzing volunteer fire brigade extinguished the fire and ventilated the church, preventing further damage. The police are now investigating and are asking for witnesses.

Vandalism and arson attack on church in Aichach

February 13, 2025, Germany

On 13 February, unknown persons vandalised the Catholic church in Gallenbach, a district of Aichach, Bavaria, and set fire to several objects. Although the flames did not spread to the rest of the church, the damage amounted to several thousand euros. The church will remain closed for the next few days as police investigate the attack.

UK Court Backs Christian Teacher After Unfair Dismissal For Sharing Christian Views

February 12, 2025, United Kingdom

On February 12, 2025, the UK Court of Appeal ruled in favor of Christian teacher Kristie Higgs, who was fired in 2019 for sharing her concerns about sex education policies and expressed her Christian beliefs about this topic on her private Facebook page. The court confirmed that traditional Christian beliefs on social issues are protected under the Equality Act. The decision marks a major victory for freedom of speech and religion in the UK.

"Your mere presence is causing people harassment"

February 10, 2025, United Kingdom

Christian charity volunteer Isabel Vaughan-Spruce has again been targeted by police for standing silently in a buffer zone. This time, police officers told her that her 'mere presence' was causing 'harassment' and therefore prohibited behaviour in the area. Buffer zone laws in the UK continue to allow serious attacks on basic human rights.

Court hearing: Nice attack was "clearly aimed at Christians"

February 10, 2025, France

The trial of Brahim Aouissaoui, the terrorist responsible for the attack on the Basilica of Notre Dame in Nice in October 2020, has begun in France. The attack, which left three Christians dead, was part of a wave of Islamist violence against Christians in Europe. A DGSI officer testified that the attack was clearly "clearly aimed at Christians". Court hearings will continue until 26 February, with the French Bishops' Conference seeking recognition of the Catholic Church as a civil party in the case.

Two churches in Wurzen attacked with arson

February 9, 2025, Germany

On 9 February, two churches in Wurzen were set on fire by unknown perpetrators. Fortunately, in both cases police officers were able to extinguish the fires before any major damage was done. However, the total damage at both locations is estimated at around 2,000 euros. The police are now investigating the attacks.

Arson and vandalism on Marigliano church

February 7, 2025, Italy

A 40-year-old man was arrested after a serious attack on a church in Marigliano on 7 February. The man set fire to the church door and destroyed several statues and furnishings in the churchyard. After a rapid investigation, police were able to identify and arrest the suspect.

Arson and vandalism at parish premises in Genoa

February 7, 2025, Italy

On 7 February, the police and fire brigade were called to the parish centre next to the church of Santa Maria dei Servi in Genoa. The authorities found a piece of wooden furniture set on fire and several blasphemous phrases and swastikas written on the walls. The police are now investigating the attack.

Church organ vandalised twice in two months

February 6, 2025, Germany

After a first episode of vandalism of the organ of the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Bretten-Büchig in December 2024, a similar attack took place earlier this month. In both cases, an unknown perpetrator poured a large amount of liquid over the organ, causing around €6000 worth of damage. The church remained closed for several days after the incident.

Repeated vandalism of roadside chapel in Laudermark

February 6, 2025, Netherlands

On 6 February, unknown offenders vandalised a roadside chapel in Laudermark with polyurethane foam, causing extensive damage. According to the local parish, this is the second time in a short period of time that this public Christian symbol has been vandalised.

French municipality faces legal battle over displaying nativity scene

February 5, 2025, France

In December 2024, the town of Beaucaire was ordered to remove its nativity scene from the town hall by an administrative court, claiming its display violated secularism laws. Despite the ruling, the mayor refused to comply, resulting in further legal action and the threat of escalating fines. This marks the latest in a series of legal battles over Christian symbols in Beaucaire, which have been ongoing since 2016.

Religious painting vandalised at cultural centre in Dydnia

February 3, 2025, Poland

Sometime between 31 January and 3 February, unknown offenders vandalised a historic painting depicting St Michael the Archangel, whose face was covered with yellow and dark brown paint. The painting was on display at the Municipal Cultural Centre in Dydnia.

Man sets fire to door of Milan church

February 2, 2025, Italy

On the morning of 2 February, a man set fire to the door of the church of San Martino in Greco in Milan. A passer-by quickly noticed the fire and called the authorities, who quickly put out the threat. Police are now searching for the suspect.

UK imposes VAT on private education: Christian schools forced to close

February 1, 2025, United Kingdom

A UK policy change imposing VAT on private school fees came into force in January 2025, forcing schools to pay 20% of tuition fees to the Treasury. Many Christian schools, already operating on tight budgets, face closure or fee increases, reducing parental choice in education. Critics argue that the reform unlawfully discriminates against faith-based education and violates international rights protections.

Decapitated statue of Mary

January 30, 2025, Germany

Unknown perpetrators have damaged a statue of the Madonna in a chapel in Wasserburg am Inn in Upper Bavaria.

Christian Prayer App "Hallow" Threatened by EU Regulations

January 30, 2025, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The Christian prayer app "Hallow", which reached number one on Apple's App Store in 2024, is now struggling to operate in the EU. CEO Alex Jones has expressed concern that strict regulations are effectively shutting down religious apps, raising concerns about digital religious freedom.

Two arson attacks on church in Jerez

January 26, 2025, Spain

On the night of 25 January, an attempt to set fire to one of the entrances to the church of San Miguel in Jerez was quickly smothered by the local population. However, just a few hours later, on the morning of 26 January, another fire was set at another door, this time requiring the intervention of the fire brigade. The police are now investigating both incidents.

Polish Petition Aims to Ban Minors From Receiving Confession

January 24, 2025, Poland

In October 2024, actor and activist Rafał Betlejewski launched a petition to ban children and teenagers under 18 from receiving the sacrament of confession. After gathering just over 13,000 signatures, the proposal is now being debated in the lower house of the Polish parliament.

Woman set fire to the Holy Scriptures

January 23, 2025, Poland

On 23 January, a 43-year-old woman set fire to a Bible in a church in Kępno and threw a vase and candles from the altar.

Another attack on a church in the Sardinia region

January 23, 2025, Italy

On the night of 23 January, unknown assailants vandalised the church of San Francesco in Oristano. The Christian community in Sardinia has suffered numerous attacks on religious sites in recent weeks. The police are now investigating all the incidents.